correct yet again, so far, doing well as usual, but still a bit leery
my "PSYCLE sm" approach continues to do pretty well, certainly better than most others out there, ay ?, but we must remaiin vigilant and humble.....(be sure to re-read my past several Bolgs & NL's).....
Well, so far at least, we have the s.t. double-bottom (d.b.) I was, as usual, among the first/only to foresee, for you, weeks ago, when i was also among the first few, as usual, to foresee the previous stocks/commods price drops....while always accepting our usual quick-very-small-cut-losses (QSL's) of little consequence along the way, I wonder who else around, called the s.t. tops, drops, and bottoms the last few months ? i hope to continue to do so, hence, for you....
Most extended, parabolic, Commods, Metals, many Energy & Retail issues, some stage 4 (read my Booklets), have indeed had their intial stage 5 declines.... While Some other Equities, like, Semis/Chip, Homebuilding, and Tech. stocks, are trying to form nice stage 5 bottoms here, hmmm....Keep in mind, this is all the exact opposite what 'the 95 %' have been, as usual, incorrectly expecting, each step along the way, in normal "PSYCLE sm" pattern behavior, yes ?, i hope U R learning these extremely valuable tenets i teach/share....
As I suggested in my NL in late 2005, to watch for declines into a normal 'about-every-4-years-Psycle' which would probably lead to decent s.t. buying opportunities in mid-2006, as we had had such declines-into-such-bottoms, in, 1982, 1987*, 1990, 1994, 1998, and, of course, the Fall 2002 lows, yes ?, (most of which I also predicted in my outputs each time, in writing, and on TV, etc.)....are the recent pulbacks/lows 'the' bottom ?, I am still unsure, but, U know i always counsel at least buying something of my ideas down here, with close stops, and diversifying anyway, dig ? Remember, we don't waste time, effort, emotion, and resources 'scenarioizing based on news or financials', right ?
i also had suggested a longer-base in depressed Drug/health, & Auto, & Tech., stocks, & cash commods. Nat. Gas, Soy, Oats, Wheat, and the U.S. Dollar, (many of which the 95 % hated at their lows as usual, and, as usual, are already up from where I suggested buying them in my NL's, at much lower prices, recall - in some cases, months ago), which are bouncing already, while 'the 95 %' remain negative on them....and last, the extended potentially Puttable Utilities are trying to breakout/up, but i don't trust their pops, ditto with still-too-high Metals, Energy stocks & cash Crude Oil, Heating Oil, many Foreign stocks indexes, Airlines (where were the 95 % when i was among the first few to suggest Buying them, a while ago, at way lower prices ?).
Note, we also had plenty of fakeout-breakouts/breakdowns (fobo's/fobd's), as expected near recent s.t. tops/bottoms, but no i have taught for decades, one must step back, gain proper perspective, ignore the 95 % 'news & fundamental items', and trade instead based on clearer, more employable, "PSYCLE sm" rules....
that said, since my last Blog here: from within my valuable NL's (keep in mind, my NL's contain many employable news stories and trades/ideas and 'items to learn from' !) :
most recent NL Longside Gainers/Winners: 'took' Hypothetical, Big % Gains in: Wheat, the u.s. dollar DXY, gold, silver, GM, JBLU, INDU s.t. only, YHOO, DNDN, COMP s.t. only, TLT, CRA, COP, LLY, MRK,
and my NL continues to hold 'previously bought near recent lows' Long positions in: Nat. Gas, IRSN, Ford Pfd, CEGE, CAMP, TOL, KBH, DHI, SNDA, INTC, AMZN, EK, INDU, SANM, CVTX, EQS, PSY, CPNLQ,
we had to cut Hypothetically very small longside VQSL's, in: MAXY, THC, EXTR, IRSN, SLR, AMCC, AMRI, CD, WON, FNGC, PLUG,
and i gave out these Puts/Shorts Winners, 'gains taken' since last time: GLD, SLV, ALA, SII, TIE, EBAY, SOX.X, SMH, COP, XOM, HD, XAL, INDU s.t. only, C, CLX,
and cut QVSL's, in these puts: SWY, PEP, CVS, UTH ?,
and/but remain put/short, in: GOOG, HANS, XOM ?, IYE, IYK, Crude Oil (fobo ?), WAG, HPQ, the EURO, XOI, OIX, BMY ?, GLD, SLV, TYX/TNX, Copper,
So, there it is....a bi-modal marketplace, long and short differing groups, in normal I.G. rotation, my speciality, working pretty well, as usual, for you....spread the word, 'rent me' for more personal information and uber-valuable teachings, and thanks for your sincere interest in doing better more me anytime, and let your friends know of me....I can help everyone somehow....
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