Thursday, August 24, 2006

giving U every interim price move, still, me....

Let's quickly review my recent track record:

first, i gave you the equities-price-declines, right from their Spring highs, while the 95 % lost money being too bullish short-term, as usual.... then, when they all got too s.t. bearish after price drops (as usual), and i saw a "PSYCLE sm" chart pattern forming, i was the only person around to predict a "W" double-bottom, mid-June and mid-July, with exploitable price-pops in between, yes ? and/but, I mentioned I was still 'leery' that the "W" charts formation might not breakout/up as yet, but still need(ed) some more work, first....

and, i gave out a plethora of Puts winners in stocks which fell (I am especially proud of being near-perfect in Puts, in May, on items like, Gold, Silver, Natural Gas, Commods, Energy, Homebuilding, Finl. Svcs., Metals, Airlines, Tech. ideas, bonds-yields (see below) while the 95 % bought high-and-late as usual, and as usual, lost money, yes ? as still more great actual examples of how valuable and employable and learnable my "PSYCLE sm" is.... Then, mid-July, I actually gave then-short-term-depressed stocks, in Homebuilding, Semis/Chps/Tech. and other I.G.'s, longside ! neat.....

and now, as of Aug. 18 or so, I began to see some more s.t. tops in rallied-from-recent-lows stocks, etc. In fact, recently viewing 2,000 individual stocks charts, while I have added some longside buyables down here (see below), i also still have given out some extended Put-Short stocks to play for likely price declines, as I did a few previous times similarly (see below) in my NL's....You're welcome....

So, as I have taught for decades in my valuable Materials, one must learn to IGNORE, 95 % of all 'external, news, fundamentals, economic, political, stories', and/or act OPPOSITE of what the masses, analysts, news media, friends, and brokers, often-incorrectly opine, dig ? anyway, currently, we have a real 'bi-modal' marketplace, meaning, one should be Long, some depressed ideas I give out, and simultaneously, Put-ting extended toppy, and this is always a Key, employing my ultra-valuable Industry group Rotation (I.G.R.) concepts, to predict future price moves in rotating industry groups, as the 'dance' changes periodically, normally....

since my last Blog,

here are some of the representative specific ideas I gave out in my NL, longside and puts/shorts, and how they did:

AGAIN, YOU MUST PLEASE, ACTUALLY TAKE TIME TO VIEW THEIR 1-2 -Yr price CHARTS, to observe and learn, the buyable and shortable patterns !!!!

my NL's share/illustrate So many valuable items tolearn from, and ideas to ACT upon, you really need to readmy NL's--- there is just to much within them, to review, herein....

my NL took big % quick Longside Gains, suggesting buying these ideas near their recent lows, and selling them near their recent highs:

GM, Ford preferred S, AMD, TOL, KBH, DHI, SNDA, SMH, the NASDAQ comp., the Dow Indu. Avg., the TLT, GLD, SLV, F, TIE, Nat. Gas, AZGS, CSCO, MRK, DXY, HLIT,

my NL cut/took quick small losses in these bought long:


my NL took Puts/Shorting gains, buying Puts in these near their highs:

HANS, TIE, GOOG, BOT, DVN, BMY, Sugar, Nat. Gas, the TYX, the TNX, RYAAY, GLD, Unleaded Gas, EBAY, VLO, AAPL, BHI, XAL,

my NL cut/took quick small losses in Puts bought, when those ideas brokeout/up instead:


my "PSYCLE sm" still sees still-extended/high items, which the 95 % love, like, Energy, Oil, Gold, Copper, some foreign curencies, and others in the NL, as 'puttable' or outright 'sales on strength'....Plus, recall, I am also proud of having called/predicted 'the' coastal R.E. top, last Spring 2005, giving out the Homebuilding stocks as Puts near-perfectly (they all fell -50 % in a few months, recall), yes ?, so i still see more pain in R.E., ahead....

and, while the 95 % as usual in-correctly believed Interest Rates would 'rise forever' recently, only I gave some Bonds ideas out, as longside buys, and most all yields are DOWN, and bonds prices UP, yes ?, nifty....oh, and, while we normally eschew 95 % of al real or perceived 'fundamentals', i also, recall, did predict a formal Recession, maybe worldwide, months ago....

and, while the 95 % as usual in-correctly believed China, India, etc., would 'grow fast forever, destroying the USA', I instead predicted their high-growth would slow, and their stocks prices have fallen....hah....stay tuned....

so, as has been the case for decades for us now, we continue to see, that, most every time I foresee the opposite of what the masses do, my predictions turn out top be true and Profitable, and what one reads and hears in other NL's, brokerage firms, trading software, magazines, newspapers, economists, government, media, TV, outputs, truns out to be WRONG....

it is amazing that the 95 % continue to never open their minds, never take even a small amount of time, to see the proof, learn the easily employable patterns, human nature and physics never change - and that is why my output has been so much better than most all others - for decades now, regardless of any 'external/political/financial stuff' in the world at any time, yes ?

as long as the recent "W" bottoms hold, my 'NL buy list' equities ideas remain buyable on pullbacks, w/close stops, diversified, as usual....and, in our 'split' market, there remain plenty of Puttable ideas which should fall in price, simultaneously....Learning/using my output, you can 'catch the swing moves' if you wish, or, play them longer-term....i will help you, and anyone else you think highly enough of to share my concepts with....